Aptos Psychologist: What if you’re a woman, lost your job and over 50?

Lost your job and over age 50? What to do?
Lost your job? What to do?

Don’t cry over spilt milk when you lose your job and you are over fifty!

You do need to know a few important things.  Per articles that appear regularly in the Wall Street Journal the primier business newspaper:

Businesses hire people who already have jobs.  So if you lost your job — and you are a woman   over 50 –you better get employed so that  you can get a job paid by others.  Or you may decide that working for yourself works  out just fine.

Real life example:  A friend  named  Riley S. Riley  (not her real name)  worked 20+ years as a manager for various bookstores. She managed big budgets successfully. She was well liked and competent at what she did.    Then, due to the financial crash, the  bottom fell out of technical and professional  books and she lost her job.  She loves books and loved her work and has excellent references.  She has an AOL  email account and her husband’s voice, not hers,  is on their  home telephone.

Riley, who has been helping others for years, needs hypothetically a  new hair do and a  new professional appearance.  Doing so is not hard and she can actually have fun doing so.  And so can you.

Here’s how Riley  and others who recently lost a white collar management job can get another one:

  1) Riley  needs a new G-mail account just for her  New Business that will lead to a job working for someone else.

Just go to G-mail and set up a G-Mail account.    In just a couple minutes Riley Riley  or you can set up a new professional appearance.   I set one up in moments for Riley.  Riley’s s new  G-Mail lists her name as Riley.Riley @gmail.com with the password “getajobnow2″  — which by the way is a very Strong password. Do pick a strong password.  Getting your email hacked into is not fun!

Before Riley  or  you pick your new professional name check around and see who else has a name similar  to yours that might get confused with you.  As eventually as part of your new professional appearance you are going to get a small website up and running do make sure that you pick wisely a helpful professional name.  [And if you blow it — you can always go back to square one and start all over with a new G-Mail account. ]

I can just hear Riley Riley  thinking:  I’ve used my AOL  for years so why get a new e-mail account?  Because of the excellent free tools that Google offers with a G-mail account.  That’s why.  You have to try the tools out to know why a G-Mail account is an asset worth having.

2)  Once Riley Riley  — or you — have a G-mail account you can start to used all the free tools available through Google.  And they are many  tools and they are valuable. Start exploring those tools.  More on that later.

3) Next, set up a a letterhead template that fits with your new professional appearance.  Use  Word 2003 onward. Use Word and Center the following information for a letterhead.  Riley  and you can readily get separate telephone numbers and set up simple web sites to display your information.  So that you can see how this can be done I’ve illustrated it with this website.

No reason to re-invent the wheel when all these tools are out there to help you get a job.  See a hypothetical letterhead for Robin-Hood:

Riley S. Riley

Management Consultant for Bookstores

Riley.Riley @gmail.com    Telephone:  831.216.6002

website:  Monterey Bay Forum www.FreedomOK.net/category/books


By the way, the above telephone and web site address is for Aptos Psychologist.  You get the idea how to do it for yourself.

4) Now that Riley Riley and you have a letterhead, go get some inexpensive business cards. Don’t spend a bundle. I will post some links later where to go for inexpensive, good looking business cards.  And always keep a few in a plastic bag in your pocket.

5)  If you have not already done so, join Linked-In, Facebook and Twitter.  These are excellent ways to get your message out and to hear what’s going on out there.

6) Make use of the services your state provides to assist persons to get a job. In  Santa Cruz, CA there is PROFILE which is paid for by taxpayers to assist people to strengthen their job getting abilities. PROFILE will help polish your resumes so they fit the job and you are not looking “over qualified”.  And PROFILE will help you polish your ‘foot in the door’ one minute interview.  And it’s a  nice place to connect with others looking for jobs.

Any one (Riley Riley  or you)  age 50 or over who lives in the Monterey Bay Area  (Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito counties) is welcome to use Monterey Bay Forum  http://www.FreedomOk.net  aa platform to help re-launch your professional career.

Oh, and did you hear President Obama say Friday July 13th (I think)  that no successful person did it by themselves?  Successful people have failed multiple times and did not give up trying.  Successful people have a passion  and they follow their dreams.  Yes, people reach out to others to provide a helping, supportive hand.

So — go be successful at what you know you are good at doing.  Just because you are over 50 and lost your job is simply an opportunity to get a new hair do and use the tools that are readily available to assist you to succeed.

how to get a new G-Mail account: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?service=mail&hl=en_us&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F%3Fpc%3Den-ha-na-us-sk&utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-sk&utm_medium=ha

how to get a free word program: https://www.download-free.com/word-processor?source=ga&gclid=CKGbwqeqo7ECFQxshwodkmBJJg

how to contact Santa Cruz PROFILE   http://www.santacruzprofile.org/index.php?content=operating_guidelines

how to set up a free blog:  http://www.blogger.com/

written by DrCameronJackson@gmail.com




Aptos Psychologist: a Libertarian cookbook fun to read from Carol Paul wife of Ron Paul

whatever in the pantry cookbook by Carol Paul

For $8 from Ron Paul’s website “The Ron Paul Family Cookbook” . The cookbook includes Golfer’s Chicken, a dish made with chicken parts coated with powdered onion soup mix, salad dressing and apricot jam. “You have to fall off the wagon now and again” says Carol Paul.

Sounds like a fun read for anyone who wants to make food with whatever is in the pantry. You are donating to the Ron Paul campaign so you have to fill out info as a donor. No Pet Pal account software on Paul’s website. If you have problems finding it the book is listed under Products Miscellaneous — not under Books. Do share back what recipe you try! DrCameronJackson@gmail.com


Firenze Sage: Thou shalt not kill [teenage Sudanese mother sentenced to death by stoning]

young Sudanese mother sentenced to death by stoning after beaten by brother

Death by stoning for a teenage illiterate woman who committed adultery in Sudan. Sudan is run by Islamist Omar al-Besir accused of genocide. The young woman does not speak Arabic and has no lawyer. Only evidence is her confession after being beaten by her brother. The Sudanese media is not covering the story. Amnesty International and Human Watch report the latest developments:

A Sudanese woman, believed to be around 18 to 20, has been sentenced to be stoned to death for adultery, and is being held near Khartoum, shackled in prison with her baby son, rights groups and lawyers said on Thursday.

The woman, Intisar Sharif Abdalla, was sentenced by the Ombada criminal court on April 22, court documents seen by Reuters showed.

“She’s in dire need of a psychiatrist because she appears to be in a state of shock from the social and family pressures she’s under,” one lawyer said.

Abdalla was illiterate and did not have a lawyer or interpreter in the courtroom. And Arabic is not her native language, the lawyers and activists added.

In 2010, the case of Lubna Hussein, a Sudanese U.N. official, sparked international furor when she was sentenced to flogging for wearing trousers.

Dear lawyer: Intisar Sharif Abdalla doesn’t need a psychiatrist, she needs a file and a saw. JAJ48@aol.com


Firenze Sage: 50,000 non believers rebuffed [ Lady Gaga cancels concert in Jakarta]

Lady GaGa cancels concert in Muslim Indonesia

Muslim sharia law, which dictates permissible dress and speech for women, caused cancellation of Lady Gaga’s concert in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Lady Gaga has canceled her sold-out show in Indonesia over security concerns after Muslim hard-liners threatened violence if the pop diva went ahead with her “Born This Way Ball,” promoters said Sun
The Islamic Defenders Front said Lady Gaga’s sexy clothes and provocative dance moves would corrupt youth in the world’s most populous Muslim country.

The group said supporters had bought tickets to the concert and planned to enter and force it to be stopped. It also threatened that thousands of protesters would confront the singer on her way from the airport.

Police had said they would only issue the required permits for the concert if Lady Gaga agreed to tone things down. Instead, she pulled the plug on the show, which had sold out with more than 50,000 tickets.

Cherish the first amendment. jaj48@AOL.COM


Firenze Sage: Powerful women wage war on weaker?

Senator Murray worst offender in paying female staff much less than men

Five powerful women automatons (all Democrats) preach but don’t practice gender pay equality. And the worst offender is Senator Murray who pays women 35% less than her male staff.

A group of Democratic female senators on Wednesday declared war on the so-called “gender pay gap,” urging their colleagues to pass the aptly named Paycheck Fairness Act when Congress returns from recess next month. However, a substantial gender pay gap exists in their own offices, a Washington Free Beacon analysis of Senate salary data reveals.

Of the five senators who participated in Wednesday’s press conference—Barbara Mikulski (D., Md.), Patty Murray (D., Wash.), Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.), Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) and Barbara Boxer (D., Calif.)—three pay their female staff members significantly less than male staffers.

Murray, who has repeatedly accused Republicans of waging a “war a women,” is one of the worst offenders. Female members of Murray’s staff made about $21,000 less per year than male staffers in 2011, a difference of 35.2 percent.


Probably these elitists have no idea who is paid what which is of course the usual for them.


Aptos Psychologist: ask Barbara Boxer why Obama’s appointee NRC Chair Jaczko’s ‘vicious mgt style towards women’ gets a pass


JACZKO & BOXER act like two scary JACK-IN-THE-BOXes that pop up on cue under someone else’s control? See WSJ 4-20-2012.

Obama appointed JAZCO as chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Obama appointee NRC chair Jaczko

JAZCO’S “vicious management style, [of Nuclear Regulatory Commission] abusive outbursts of rage, bullying and intimidating behavior” reduced professional NRC women to tears says WSJ 4-20-2012.

The other four NRC Commissioners Democrat & Republican complained to Obama because JAZCO: 1) withheld information from the Commissioners; 2) altered recommendations; and 3) overrode the will of the majority.

Obama ignored complaints from the Commissioners. The Democrat Party refuses to investigate.

Senate Majority Harry Reid trashes the only female Commissioner KRISTINE SVINICKI, a nuclear engineer.

nuclear engineer NRC Svinchi

Democrat Senator from CA Barbara BOXER response has been to smear all four Commissioners. Boxer claims that they on are on a McCarthy ‘witch hunt’ and she defends JAZCO.

You can contact NRC Chair JACZKO and Commissioner SVINCHI by phone at 301 415 7000 or at www.nrc.gov

What’s this all about? The progressive left’s ideology opposes nuclear energy.
And the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRC) sets the policies.

So Obama appoints someone — JACZKO — programmed to: 1) strangle nuclear energy progress; and 2) kill the Yucca mountain repository planned for Harry Reid’s state of Nevada. But JACZKO’s heavy handed style was too much for all of the other Commissioners, both Democrat and Republican alike.

The complaints about JACZKO are strikingly familiar to the complaints made about Obama.The first year after elected Obama focused on health care reform when the public in 2009-2010 was most concerned about the economy and jobs. So Obama overrode the will of the majority of Americans akin to how JACZKO interacts with the four other Commissioners of the NRC.

NRC chair JACZKO is accused of withholding information from the other Commissioners. Remember Obama claim that Obama-Care will not add one dollar to the deficit while at the same time taking 500 BILLLION from Medicare? And three years later there still are no accurate figures as to how much Obama-Care will cost. Or exactly how many millions would be added to Medicare.

JACZKO is accused of altering recommendations. Obama for sure ignores the recommendations of others.

written by ronron4848@gmail.com


Firenze Sage: ‘Oh, drat!’ is gonna get you whipped [Sharia law OKs woman whipped for text msg]

woman whipped for texting
Cairo woman whipped for texting bad word

Smart phone leads to a dumb sentence in Egypt.

Woman who swore at girl friend via text message gets 50 lashes under Shara law in Cairo, Egypt.

The two Saudi women, aged 33 and 31 years, had decided to go out with their children for a weekend night but differed on where to go.

“An argument ensued and the two women decided to split … one of them later sent a text to her friend’s mobile phone swearing at her,” the Arabic language quotidian Kabar reported.

“The other woman went to court and showed the judge the message … although that woman said she was joking, the court ordered her lashed 50 times.

Bring that law here and there’d be a whole lotta whipping goin on… JAJ48@aol.com


Firenze Sage: Divorce mall style [for Egyptian men based on the Koran]

Koran marriage equal
no equality in Koran marriage

Is this what the Koran permits Egyptian men to do with their wife or wives?

How can an Egyptian Muslim marriage — or any marriage — be terminated in divorce based on this flimsy evidence?

Facts: An Egyptian man supposedly saw a telephone number written down and given to his wife. So the man immediately shouts out divorce over a loud speaker. His wife at the time is at the mall with their several kids. This is what came over the internet:

“A Saudi husband in Cairo, Egypt used a loudspeaker to divorce his wife at a busy shopping mall. The husband saw [supposedly] his wife take a note from a man.

“When he left that shop, he saw a man giving his wife a note bearing his phone number. She [supposedly] accepted the paper and put it inside her bag,” The newspaper did not mention where the mall is located.

“The husband then used the mall’s loudspeaker to shout divorce words against his wife. His wife at the time was with her three children.”

Old eagle eye sees all. jaj48@aol.com


Aptos Psychologist: Call 202 479-3000 for the U.S. Supreme Court. Why conservatives can & should rightfully request U.S. Justice Elena Kagan to not hear Obama-Care

emails to Tribe at Harvard  show
emails to prof Tribe at Harvard show bias
202 479-3000
call Justice Kagan 202 479-3000

If the U.S. Supreme Court finds Obama-Care to be constitutional, there is nothing that the U.S. Congress cannot do. Very shortly, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments and decide.

If private citizens can be forced to purchase something such as health care insurance — or whatever consumer product — then the U.S. government can force citizens to purchase whatever the government tells them to buy. That is simply wrong.

So do speak up and tell your representatives. Complain by FAX, letter and email to your representatives and also to U.S.Justice Kagan. Tell them what what you think.

Trying to find an email address for Justice Kagan this is what is available:

“The Justices of the Court do not have email addresses or web sites. However, the Court staff and Justices does read letters from citizens. For complete information about the Supreme Court and searchable database of decisions, the definitive source is the Legal Information Institute from Cornell University. Hard to believe but the Supreme Court only has ‘snail’ mail. We do know — from the trail of emails from Kagan to Tribe of Harvard that she does send and receive email and strongly supports ObamaCare. Thus, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Kagan is hardly impartial.

U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. Supreme Court Bldg.
Washington, DC 20543
(202) 479-3000


The vote on Obama-Care is likely to be very close and could go either way.

Justice Kennedy’s vote is crucial because historically he has been the swing vote on the Supreme Court. Justice Kennedy has history other than as a ‘progressive’ or ‘liberal’. Thus, conservatives can predict [and also hope and pray] that Justice Kennedy will find ObamaCare aka Afordable Health Care to be NOT constitutional.

Justice Elena Kagan has not — and should — recluse herself [not participate] in hearing the ObamaCare case. Why? Because Justice Kagan has had dealings as a professional attorney with ObamaCare. Elena Kagan was Obama’s Solicitor General.

This means that Justice Kagan has a documented conflict of interest and should step aside. So, look at the sources of information below & elsewhere and them tell Justice Kagan to step aside and not hear ObamaCare.

How the U.S. Supreme Court decides on Obama-Care will be crucial in many ways. So, do what you can do. And do contact Justice Elena Kagan.


From other news sources:

In my view, true reform should include medical-liability modernization (defensive medicine costs more than $100 billion annually, according to a study by Stanford economists), expanded access to Health Savings Accounts, improved health insurance portability, more incentives to encourage healthy behavior, and the ability for consumers to purchase insurance across state lines – which would increase competition and lead to lower prices. Additionally, small businesses should be able to band together and form health plans, thereby strengthening their purchasing power and ability to negotiate affordable rates. These are just some of the many reforms we could pursue to lower costs and improve coverage – without massively expanding government.

Two years ago, at the ObamaCare bill signing ceremony, Vice President Biden imparted some additional words of wisdom, noting that, “the classic poet Virgil once said that ‘the greatest wealth is health.’”

He’s right.

At the end of the day, freedom and health are the two most important things for nearly all of us. If we’re not free and healthy, we can’t enjoy much anything else. And this is precisely why it is so important that we do not allow a massive Washington bureaucracy to substitute its wisdom for that of your family physician. It’s why we cannot allow the government to ration care for those in need, or to withhold medicines for those least able to fend for themselves.

Repealing the president’s health-care takeover is, in effect, an imperative for all those who truly believe in social justice – and that is why we must repeal ObamaCare and replace it with effective reforms as soon as possible.

Sen. Jon Kyl is the Senate Republican Whip and serves on the Senate Finance and Judiciary committees.

Visit his website at www.kyl.senate.gov or his YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/senjonkyl.

“In my view, true reform should include medical-liability modernization (defensive medicine costs more than $100 billion annually, according to a study by Stanford economists), expanded access to Health Savings Accounts, improved health insurance portability, more incentives to encourage healthy behavior, and the ability for consumers to purchase insurance across state lines – which would increase competition and lead to lower prices. Additionally, small businesses should be able to band together and form health plans, thereby strengthening their purchasing power and ability to negotiate affordable rates. These are just some of the many reforms we could pursue to lower costs and improve coverage – without massively expanding government.

Two years ago, at the ObamaCare bill signing ceremony, Vice President Biden imparted some additional words of wisdom, noting that, “the classic poet Virgil once said that ‘the greatest wealth is health.’”

He’s right.

At the end of the day, freedom and health are the two most important things for nearly all of us. If we’re not free and healthy, we can’t enjoy much anything else. And this is precisely why it is so important that we do not allow a massive Washington bureaucracy to substitute its wisdom for that of your family physician. It’s why we cannot allow the government to ration care for those in need, or to withhold medicines for those least able to fend for themselves.

Repealing the president’s health-care takeover is, in effect, an imperative for all those who truly believe in social justice – and that is why we must repeal ObamaCare and replace it with effective reforms as soon as possible.

Sen. Jon Kyl is the Senate Republican Whip and serves on the Senate Finance and Judiciary committees.

Visit his website at www.kyl.senate.gov or his YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/senjonkyl.


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court won’t hear arguments from a conservative watchdog group that wants Justice Elena Kagan disqualified from deciding the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s national health care overhaul.

Freedom Watch asked the high court for time to demand Kagan’s recusal or disqualification during arguments on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The law is aimed at extending health insurance coverage to more than 30 million previously uninsured people and would, by 2019, leave just 5 percent of the population uninsured, compared with about 17 percent today, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Justices, who will be hearing more than five hours of arguments on the health care overhaul, rejected the request without comment.

Kagan, who was solicitor general under Obama, did not participate in the decision.


Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/01/23/court-wont-hear-arguments-demanding-kagan-recusal/#ixzz1pL93NdHQ


Firenze Sage: Why stop at soccer? How about ballroom dancing? [a third recreation field for Gitmo detainees]

Gitmo P.E.
Gitmo P.E.

What happened to breaking up rocks and push-ups for POWs? Instead, taxpayers pay for another — the third — recreation field for Gitmo prisoners.

This is the third recreation facility at Camp 6, which houses “highly compliant” detainees who live in a communal setting, the report stated. Other facilities include an indoor recreation field and an outdoor recreation field.

The new field will afford the detainees “maximum access” — about 20 hours a day, via special passageways to allow passage into the new recreation yard without military escort.

A military police representative who asked not to be identified by name told the reporters that allowing high levels of activity outdoors helped reduce behavioral problems at the camps, and limited the amount of interaction between detainees and the guards, Fox reported.

Why not just give them ball room dancing? It would certainly be cheaper.
