Jesus: “Who do you say I am?” Come Wed. Jan 11 Aptos St. John’s


    jesus-blueA six-week encounter with Jesus in the Gospel of John will begin Wednesday, January 11, 7:00 pm at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Aptos.  Address:  125 Cantebury Drive

Join Joanne Peterson, Doug and Hannah Crocker, Alliee and Michael DeArmond, and Andrea Seitz in exploring the scripture.

Each evening will be led by different people and will focus on a particular chapter in John.

Participants should bring a Bible and some kind of notebook / journal.

The hour and a half evenings will include reading the chapter, a short introduction, time for personal reflection and discussion.

Dinner won’t be included, but there might be snacks.

For more information, email Alliee:

Please SHARE this info with your friends and acquaintances. Thanks.


As one Body let’s share the Lord’s Supper…celebrate the Eucharist…take Holy Communion? And let’s cut to the chase?

As one Body let’s  share the Lord’s Supper …

Eucharist anglican style
Eucharist Anglican style — homemade bread

celebrate the Eucharist …  Take Holy Communion?  And not worry about the few  ‘bad apples’?

bishop Heather
bishop Heather goes to jail  7 years
Eucharist Greek Orthodox
Eucharist Greek Orthodox style
Eucharist Body & Blood

And  — as one Body — let’s first cut to the chase?

Maybe the Body of Christ  had best accept all  its members  —  arms linked together — and  together face violent Islamic extremists and adherents to sharia law.

Let’s do it together, as one Mystical Body of Christ.

Body of Christ
Body of Christ

We know the stories.  It’s well reported that ISIS   Islamic  terrorists chop  off Christian heads.   And that hostages taken by ISIS live or die based on what they can  say about Allah.

On the daily news we hear horrific stories of   what happens to Christians/ westerners and confrontations from adherents to sharia law, ISIS and Islamic extremism

recite the Koran required
recite the Koran required by ISIS terrorists

Yet what do the faithful worry about?  What a Lutheran and a Catholic and an Episcopalian can and cannot do when worshiping together.  Let’s cut to the chase, folks?  See the following:

Pope Francis was asked by a Lutheran woman concerning sharing the sacraments with her husband, a Catholic.

This is what the Lutheran woman said:

My name is Anke de Bernardinis and, like many people in our community, I’m married to an Italian, who is a Roman Catholic Christian. We’ve lived happily together for many years, sharing joys and sorrows. And so we greatly regret being divided in faith and not being able to participate in the Lord’s Supper together. What can we do to achieve, finally, communion on this point?

 Pope Francis answered the woman:   “To share the Lord’s banquet: is it the goal of the path or is it the viaticum [provisions] for walking together?  I leave that question to the theologians and those who understand.

“The question: and the [Lord’s] Supper? There are questions that, only if one is sincere with oneself and with the little theological light one has, must be responded to on one’s own. See for yourself.

Pope Francis continued:   “This is my body. This is my blood. Do it in remembrance of me—this is a viaticum that helps us to journey on.

Pope Francis then tells a story about an Episcopalian  bishop “who went a little wrong.”

Pope Francis  says:

“The bishop  accompanied his wife and children to Mass on Sunday, and then went to worship with his community. It was a step of participation in the Lord’s Supper. Then he went forward, the Lord called him, a just man.

To sum it up Pope Francis adds:

“Life is bigger than explanations and interpretations. Always refer back to your baptism. “One faith, one baptism, one Lord.” This is what Paul tells us, and then take the consequences from there.


  Let’s cut to the chase:  The Mass / Communion / Eurharist / Lord’s Supper  never ends….  It must be lived…. Go  as one Body of Christ   to serve God and love your neighbor?     YES,   Right -on?
