Will Obama fire Comey to protect himself and Clinton Foundation?

Huma, Weiner and Jordan
Huma, Weiner and Jordan

Obama protects Hilary to protect himself.   Is it  likely — it is possible  — that Obama will fire Comey?  We know that Obama used a fake name to communicate with Hilary via her private email server.  We know now that it was Huma Abedin’s job to   keep Obama informed as to Hilary’s email address.

Huma and her former husband Anthony Weiner both face possible criminal charges.    Weiner has a son, Jordan,  to protect.  With  their  four near old daughter to protect, will  Huma and Weiner  “flip” and give evidence against Hilary?

 This looks like an Italian mafia story.  Who will face justice?


Hilary’s actions —  collecting millions of dollars from foreign governments and businesses — undermines America.  It’s criminal to sell out your country for personal enrichment.  That’s what emerges so far from the investigation  into Hillary’s emails.  Read Peter Schweitzer’s book,  Clinton Cash.

We now know:  Hilary set up her private email server so that no Freedom of Information Act inquiries would reveal her actions, that Hilary sold US foreign policy to all sorts of foreign governments.

   There were five (5)  hacks by foreign governments   into   Hilary Clinton’s private email server.    We also know that Hilary and Bill Clinton were “broke” (so they report) when they left the White House.  We know that through The Clinton Foundation Hilary and Bill Clinton now have $350 MILLION.

Yes, Hilary got  extremely rich selling out America via The Clinton  Foundation.

