Safe zones & no fly zones in middle east better than Lutheran, Episcopal, Catholic et al contractors who “welcome the stranger” at 20K a person?

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UN Ambassador Haley: Most Syrians just want to go home

Posted by Ann Corcoran on April 16, 2018

Clearly The Guardian doesn’t want to hear that bit of information.

Frankly, if there weren’t nine federal refugee contractors being paid on a per refugee head basis to bring refugees to your towns and cities, maybe then a realistic policy could be advanced to care for (legitimate) refugees near their homes so that returning them to their homes and to their familiar cultures would be the number one priority of humanitarian care.

Perhaps if this pattern could be broken now—Middle East wars=flow of migrants to the West—it would be a very important legacy for Trump to leave us with.

Trump and Nikki

Trump and Haley could break the pattern! No more knee jerk admission of ‘refugees’ with every Middle East conflict.

Here Nikki Haley says what the No Borders Left never wants to hear:

Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations on Sunday defended the president’s ban on allowing Syrian refugees into the US by claiming that people displaced due to the country’s civil war did not actually want to leave the region.

When asked how she justified the Trump administration admitting almost no Syrian refugees while also bombing Assad regime targets in the country, Nikki Haley cited conversations she said she had had with refugees at camps in Jordan and Turkey.

“Not one of the many that I talked to ever said we want to go to America,” Haley said on Fox News Sunday. “They want to stay as close to Syria as they can.”

More here.

In a related story at Hurriyet we see that the bloom is off the rose as Germany begins restricting family members (limiting chain migration!):

Breitbart: Refugees cost taxpayers BILLIONS each year


Ode to Hilary — Christians everywhere, beware?


stop killing

Ode to Hilary — Christians everywhere,  beware?  

Facts:  Obama/ Hilary accepted 13,000+ Syrian refugees  into the USA this past year ending Sept. 2016.

 Only 64 of the 13,000 accepted  as refugees to the USA  are Christians.  

Why so few Christians?

As you read this, hum the tune from  Peter Paul & Mary song:  Where  did all the  flowers go?    

where did all the flowers go?
where did all the flowers go?

“Where did all the flowers go …  
Syrian’s Christians,    ever more …

“Gone to graveyards ….  everywhere?  
Yes — gone to graveyards ……  everywhere.

“Five hundred  thousand  … Christians gone.   [that was the number of Christians in Syria]


“Oh so strong ….  they fled their homes,
and  left behind….

“their  ancient  bones,
And fled …. their  Muslim foes

filled  with Christian songs  

but left in  fear of Islam law.  That gives all power to the Muslim Pa.   

“So, where did all  the Syrian Christians  go?

Gone  and scattered  …. ever  more…

“Yes–  Gone and scattered …. ever more.      

Syrian Christians scattered everywhere …

“Thank you,  Hilary, Secretary Oooo,
That  this past year for evermore, 

64  Syrian Christians  came through  our  doors, 

Allowed in for now — perhaps for ever more.  

as refugees
To grace our  soil.”

Tell us  why —  Secretary Hilary Oooo  —   why so few?  So few?”


Aptos Psychologist: Ask Hilary why only 64  Syrian Christians out of 13,000+  Syrians were admitted to America this past year?

written by Cameron Jackson  

