Drain the swamp still needed? What 2020 Election all about?

What the 2020 election is all about?   Drain the swamp.

And Biden — with 8 years connected at the hip with  Obama  –is  part of that swamp. James Comey was a willing ‘swamp dewller’ who says he can’t remember while he was in charge of the FBI and his employees were buying insurance to protect themselves from wrong doing.   And Comey just did not know?

The businessman Trump  was propelled to office on the fury of those who had seen too much. The public  watched for decades as an insulated elected class—Democrat and Republican alike—broke promises, failed to solve problems, and blamed it on the system….

Read what Kim Srassell  has to say in The Election of James Comey


How do you spell rape? [Gov. Newsom signs bill to house inmates based on gender identity]

Gender identity?  California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a bill Saturday allowing transgender inmates to be placed in prisons based on their gender identity.

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) will now house inmates based on their gender identity rather than their sex assigned at birth — but only if the state does not have “management or security concerns” with individual inmates.

The law Newsom signed Saturday requires officers to ask inmates privately during the intake process if they identify as transgender, nonbinary or intersex, then inmates can request to be placed in a facility that houses either men or women.

The CDCR cannot deny requests solely because of inmates’ anatomy or sexual orientation. When a request is denied, the state must provide a written statement to the inmate explaining the decision and give them an opportunity to object.


Firenze Sage:    Only in a one party state could one do this.There will be thousands of “men” who opt to be woman and then sue when the line is too long to accommodate the herd.


120+ Families Homeless in Santa Cruz: Where do we go from here? Elected ‘leaders’ clueless …

What about the homeless living in  Santa Cruz CA enviorns?   Locally  elected  Santa Cruz CA  ‘leaders’  — mayor, chief of police, city council, county board of supervisors — don’t  know  what to do about the homeless living in Santa Cruz. Or at least they aren’t saying.

Will Santa Cruz soon look like San Francisco which has a legally sanctioned encampment in front of city hall?

And the Santa Cruz CA elected ‘leaders’  are not doing anything about  the growing illegal homeless  encampments.

It  might be said that our local ‘leaders’  are not answering phone calls and questions about what’s being done or not done.

Much in the news a year ago, how and where to put transitional  homeless camps are  no longer in the  news.     That’s what Grossman &  his wife Dehlen report in  a guest commentary published 10/1/2020  in the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

Of all  persons and organizations contacted, only  one of the  ‘leaders’,  board supervisor Ryan Coonerty, responded and ‘ got back to Kevin Grossman & Amy Dahlen  about transitional camps for homeless folk.  [Grossman & Dahlen live in the community; no other information available.]

The word ‘leaders’  is placed in   ‘    ‘     because what  stands out in the  TV nightly news is the lack of leadership that so  local officials in  so many  Democrat  run cities show routinely. Politicians   especially in Democrat run cities, fold at the first sign of violent confrontation. The highest violence occurs in Democrat run cities.   

Remember — CA and Santa Cruz are run by the Democrats and Santa Cruz is a Sanctuary City.  And remember — the Santa Cruz council voted unanimously to  permit  a huge Black Lives Matter mural  in front of City Hall.

Other than that they are ‘community members’ there’s no information provided by the Sentinel  about who K. Grossman and A. Dahlen are and what their involvement has been locally.  [There’s one listing in Facebook  for a Grossman  of  Santa Cruz  but that concerns a  single man.]

The article notes that about 120 families are homeless in Sana Cruz.  Intact families with kids to care for probably  jerk  the heart strings of more people than  do  drug addicted single men with little family or  job history.

So maybe that’s the place to start — what to do about 120+ homeless families residing in the Santa Cruz enviorns.

How help 120 families that are homeless. Move ‘leaders’ aside and figure out how to ask individuals, groups and organizations how they can assist.

  1.  We have ZOOM now, an easy way to connect for free for 45 minutes.  Keep meetings short and do them standing up and that ‘s one way to move decisions along.

2.  Type Santa Cruz into Facebook and up pops several organizations worth exploring.   United Way of Santa Cruz County runs a 211  advertisement worth knowing about.   211 will connect individuals with health and human services so it says.

3.  Use tools such as Survey Monkey to find out how people can and will help.   It’s easy to put up a simple survey and ask people what they are willing to do.   Here’s one question that people can be asked:

Can you help one (1) homeless family?   Telephone contact and listening.  Referral to resources and finding out about other resources.   Referral or assistance of  little cash a week, bus pass, money to clean clothes.  Listen, listen and listen.

What are you willing to do?

written by Cameron Jackson, psychologist    JAJ48@aol.com



Biden or Trump interrupted first? Biden broke the rules saying 100 MILLION will lose their health care due to Trump

Biden or Trump interrupted first?   Biden did — three times Biden broke in while Trump spoke  and then Wallace weighed in  and called it Open Discussion time.  Biden broke in and  said 100 million will lose their health care if Trump is president.   Listen if you missed the debate —


Open California ….. when? SaveCalifornia.com has up-to-date info

SaveCalifornia.com has up-to-date info about opening CA.


Statewide — “Open Central California Safely on October 1st 2020″ more info
Small business owners, fully open today, no matter what. Fear going out of business, not any threats or opposition from the local government. You need to make money and stand for your God-given rights to work, earn, and own. See the Facebook group dedicated to this uprising: https://www.facebook.com/groups/openfresnoco/

Palm Desert, Thursday, September 30 @ 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. flyer
Next to Buffalo Wild Wings, 72920 Highway 111
“Pro-American and pro-police, Unite 911 Gavin Newsom Recall Signing Rally”


Claremont, Saturday, October 3 @ 10 a.m. flyer
At Foothill Boulevard and N. Indian Hill Boulevard map
“Freedom Rally” against Gavin Newsom’s tyrannical lockdown

Woodland Hills, Saturday, October 3 @ 2 p.m. event image
Warner Center Park, 5800 Topanga Canyon Boulevard map
“Unite California Rally”

Valencia, October 3 @ 9:30 a.m. flyer
Magic Mountain Parkway and Citrus Street map
Patriot car rally supporting “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”

Sunnyvale, October 3 @ 12 noon flyer
Washington Park, 840 W. Washington Avenue
“Freedom Rally: Recall Newsom, meet your local candidates, back the blue”


Palm Desert, Sunday, October 4 @ 2 p.m. flyer
Highway 111 @ Westfield Mall
“Pro-American, pro-police, Gavin recall signing rally”


Riverside, October 6 @ 8 a.m. more info
County Administration Building, 4080 Lemon Street
Urge the Riverside County Board of Supervisors to fully reopen: “Join us at 8 AM for a small gathering/protest and at 9:30am inside to speak ln person! We will have speakers lined up. And everybody can go inside Usually around 9:00AM to pre-register to speak.”


Los Angeles, October 10 @ 9:30 a.m. more info
Marchers will meet on Olvera Street in downtown L.A. map
“March for Faith: America was founded upon Judeo-Christian principles of faith. The March for Faith protests government overreach and defends Americans’ right to the free exercise of faith guaranteed by the Constitution. The march is a powerful reminder that the blessings of liberty, including the right to worship, come from God, not from government.”

Walnut, Saturday, October 10 @ 10 a.m. flyer
Corner of N. Grand Avenue and Valley Boulevard map
“Freedom Rally: Back the Blue, Recall Newsom, No on Prop. 16”


Temecula, Saturday, October 17 @ 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. flyer
Galway Downs, 38801 Los Corralitos Road map
“Open California Now Freedom Rally Protest”


Yuba City, Wednesday, October 21 @ 8 a.m. flyer
Sutter County Courthouse, 1175 Civic Center Boulevard map
“Join us as we gather for the biggest protest party CA has ever seen. California’s Governor Gavin Newsom will be on trial for his overreach and One-Man rule. Come out and protest with your recall petitions.”


Good news for Hispanic & Black wealth last 3 years …. will they vote Trump? Open the economy!

Open the economy!    Bring back the pre-COVID jobs and economy.

The Wealth Gap Shrinks:    The pre-COVID economy Trump brought has resulted in substantial wealth gains for Hispanics and Blacks.  Will it translate into votes for Trump?

Growth in business equity 2016 – 2019:   Black wealth grew 138%, Hispanic (63% and Americans without a high-school diploma 104% ….

Home ownership is more affordable and ticked up 1.4 percentage points in three years including 1.8 points among Hispanics and 2.3 points among blacks …

Corporate stock buying:  14.5% of Americans in the lowest income quintile coned corporate stocks in 2019 up from  11.5% in 2016 …


What to do about CA 2035 Ban on Gas-Powered Cars?

What to do about CA ban on gas-powered cars?

“So let me get this straight. I can’t run my air conditioner in California during the summer for the lack of power. And Gov. Gavin Newsom wants everyone to be plugging in their millions of electric cars? Cars fueled by running hamsters may be a more reliable option.”  Letter in WSJ 9/30/2020


How live longer and happier? Help your TELOMERES ! manage stress, eat better, exercise …

Help lenthen your TELEMERES akin to the caps on end of shoe laces ….   make some life style changes to do so…

following based on article by Robin Bezvin MD with Parsley Health published 9-16-2020.

Research has found obesity as an indicator of shorter telomeres. The loss of telomeres in obese individuals is the equivalent to 8.8 years of life, scientists say. A study investigating the relationship further found increased levels of oxdidative stress in obese mice, a process responsible for damaging DNA and therefore expediting telomere shortening.

2. Exercise regularly.

Research has shown that exercise can reduce oxidative stress and help preserve DNA. One study found that men in their 50s who were active runners had nearly the same telomere length as men in their 20s while men in their 50s who were sedentary had telomeres that were shorter by 40 percent. The sedentary men also looked remarkably older than their runner counterparts.

3. Manage chronic stress.

How stress causes telomere shortening is not yet fully understood, but people who face adversity early in life and those who are burdened by chronic caregiving, heavy workloads and financial stress, have shorter telomeres than others, controlling for age and lifestyle factors. To lower stress, we recommend meditation – it’s one of the most powerful ways to combat chronic mental stress.

4. Eat a telomere-protective diet.

Foods rich in antioxidants like vitamin C (red peppers, kale), anthocyanins (blueberries) and polyphenols (dark chocolate, cloves) – contribute to an overall positive antioxidant balance, protecting DNA from oxidative stress. One study found that a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products and plant-based protein and low in red and processed meats, sodium, and added sugars, were especially beneficial to healthy cellular aging in women. At Parsley Health, we recommend our patients follow a predominantly plant-based diet, ensuring they fill at least half their plate with plants to decrease inflammation, a breeding ground for oxidation and disease.

5. Incorporate supplements.

While there is no direct evidence that antioxidant supplements improve aging on their own, there is evidence that some supplements support the body’s natural anti-aging mechanisms by helping the body make its own antioxidants. In particular, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) supports the body’s production of one of the few and essential internal cellular antioxidants, Glutathione. That said, supplement quality is highly variable and choosing the right one is best done with the guidance of an expert.

Why isn’t there a telomere lengthening pill?

The answer is, the body is smarter than that. Just adding in telomerase may be dangerous, as cells that develop the ability to keep their telomeres intact forever are considered “immortal cells,” aka cancerous cells. While healthy cells naturally die off and regenerate, cancer cells tend to stick around and that’s when they start to cause trouble. Thus, there is a lot more we need to know before focusing on a quick-fix like supplementing telomerase.

How do I know if my telomeres are short? Telomere testing.

There are direct-to-consumer tests that will give you your ATL, average telomere length, and compare it to the averages of others in your age group.

Whether you do the telomere testing on your own or with a doctor, we encourage you to work with a knowledgeable physician who can help you understand what your telomere length means in the context of your personal risk factors and health story, and who can recommend a personalized program based on the results. After all, a test result is only as valuable as what you do with the information.


Will Democrats rip Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Praise of People membership? Jesus folk wake up!

About Judge Amy Coney  Barrett’s connection with Praise of People — Below is  a tribute to a Praise of People member whose life is celebrated below   at the Roman Catholic cathedral in St. Paul.     His life was  about service to others  and love of Jesus.

If Trump nominates her as expected by  the WSJ and other papers,   will the Democrats rip Amy Coney Barrett for membership in Praise of People? Remember Feinstein’s message:  ‘The dogma lives strongly in you …”     If so, the Democrats may regret it. So thinks Peggy Noonan of WSJ.     Service to others without violence is a better commodity than what Black Lives Matter Inc offers,

On the West coast, there’s a branch of Praise of People located in Portland, Oregon. For the Vancouver / Portland area Charlie Fraga is  People of Praise’s  contact person  pop.vanport@gmail.com   503 345 7764

A member of the Brotherhood of Praise of People,   Pope  Francis appointed Peter Leslie Smith (2-58 born in South Africa)  as auxiliary bishop of Portland in 2014.   There are Roman Catholic and Lutheran  clergy who are members of People of Praise.

Portland  Oregon — on nightly TV due to burning, looting and violence – has a current population of 1,379,000, 207,300 of whom are Catholic, with 168 priests serving in different roles in the diocese, and with 42 permanent deacons and 347 religious from various communities and congregations.

above written by Cameron Jackson   jajaol.com

by Elizabeth Pease

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by People of Praise website   on Nov. 3, 2017.

“On a frigid Wednesday last December, hundreds gathered for a funeral at the Cathedral of St. Paul, packing the center section of one of the largest churches in the United States. Some circled the downtown blocks near the cathedral looking for parking, and eventually gave up and went home.
Outside, the mailman asked at the rectory what was going on, and the hired motorcycle escort asked the funeral director how he’d gotten such a large event.

“As the gospel was read, a man wearing a bandanna and carrying a backpack came in the side door and walked across the front of the cathedral. On a day with a high temperature of 10 degrees Fahrenheit and a wind chill well below zero, he wore sandals with white socks, and white pants. While the crowd stood in their pews, he walked right up to the casket at the front of the church, bent down and kissed it. Then he walked down the center aisle and out the door.

Later, as the casket was carried out of the cathedral, 12th-grade girls from Visitation School wearing white gloves teared up as they lined the aisle. The school declared a day off in his honor.

Who was this man loved by so many?

He was a security guard. He was a realtor who had once fallen deeply into debt. He wasn’t a rich man or a famous personality. He was Bill Kenney and, above all, as his son, Fr. Kevin Kenney, explained in his homily at the cathedral, he had three words that he wanted said at his funeral: “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.”

* * *

In the early 1970s, Bill Kenney was a hardworking husband and father in the throes of growing a small business. Kenney Realty had three offices in the Twin Cities and 40 licensed realtors. Bill put in long hours showing homes, but he still found time to take his seven kids water-skiing. He bought a beautiful large home for his family near Lake Harriet in South Minneapolis. He loved to talk and meet new people, he loved a good joke, and he loved his wife, Dorothy, often bringing flowers home for her along with the groceries.

He had learned his work ethic early. His father died when Bill was 16, and Bill had taken on two jobs to help support a family of 11, mostly younger siblings. His son Kevin recalls, “From the minute we could walk, we had to have a job of some sort, oftentimes just in his real estate office. I remember as a little kid emptying wastebaskets and vacuuming and cleaning.”

 Students at Visitation School lined up as an honor guard for his funeral at the Cathedral of St. Paul.

In the fall of 1973, Dorothy’s life changed when she decided to attend a weekend introduction to the charismatic renewal put on by their parish. At the retreat, Anna Brombach, a fellow mother Dorothy knew from church, came over to pray with her. Dorothy remembers, “I looked down, and it wasn’t Anna’s hand taking mine. It was Jesus’ hand. I got home the next day, and I was so on fire.”

A full turkey dinner was Bill’s favorite thing to cook, and he had one waiting for Dorothy when she came home from the retreat. As the kids started washing the dishes after the meal, Bill and Dorothy went for a walk around Lake Harriet. Dorothy recalls, “I’m jumping and dancing, and I said, ‘Would you ever go to a prayer meeting with me?’ He said, ‘Oh, Dorothy. You’ve always been joyful. What’s such a big deal about this? You go to the prayer meeting. I sure as heck don’t want to go.’”

For two and a half years, Dorothy went to the prayer meetings alone. Then, in 1976, Jim Cahill caught Bill and Dorothy as they were leaving mass, and mentioned that Bishop Lucker, a friend of Bill’s, would be at the prayer meeting that night. As Dorothy remembers, Jim said, “Bill, why don’t you come?” and Bill said, “Maybe I will.” “I nearly fainted away,” Dorothy recalls. At the end of the prayer meeting that night, Bill greeted Bishop Lucker. Says Dorothy, “The bishop said, ‘Bill Kenney! What are you doing here?’ Bill said, ‘I don’t come to these things. My wife does,’ and Bishop Lucker said, ‘You come back five times, and then decide if you’re ever going to come again.’ Well, Bill obeyed him, and he never stopped coming.”

* * *

Bill quickly became involved in the charismatic renewal, attending conferences and praying with people. He and Dorothy joined the growing covenant community in the Twin Cities that would eventually become Servant Branch. Bill insisted that his teenage children attend charismatic conferences, and all seven of them were eventually prayed with for the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Bill started asking for the Lord’s help in the details of his life. Kevin recalls him praying over broken washing machines, as well as his response to car troubles on a road trip. “I think the block cracked in the car. He says, ‘We have to pray over it and it’ll get fixed.’ That was his faith.” Many of Bill’s friends recall him counting how many times priests mentioned the name “Jesus” in their Sunday homilies so that he could encourage them later to get their numbers up.

 The Cathedral of St. Paul, Bill’s parish and the site of his funeral.

This shift in Bill’s focus impacted his business life, too. By the late 1970s, with the economy struggling, it became clear that Kenney Realty was overextended. The company, and therefore Bill as its owner, had fallen hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt. Many years later, Bill told the story to the Twin Cities Catholic charismatic renewal: “Because of my finances, I decided I needed help. I received the Holy Spirit in my life, and got serious about getting out of debt. I always made decisions to do things, and then I asked God to bless it, but now I was asking God’s opinion as to what I was doing.” Bill started referring to Kenney Realty as a Christian business and instituted an optional daily morning prayer at the office.

In 1979, Bill brought in some community members with business experience to form a board of directors for Kenney Realty. Robert Regan, who worked in investment counseling and served on the board, recalls Bill asking for help with the administrative side of the business. “He was always gregarious, a great salesman, not as good as an administrator and manager, or financial guy.” Good advice from brothers and a demand for houses that came from groups of brothers and sisters moving to the Twin Cities to join the community (from North Dakota, Iowa and Washington) kept the business growing for a few years until another economic downturn in the early 1980s.

Also in 1979, Bill and Dorothy began a process of downsizing that would continue into the 1990s. Dorothy remembers, “To get out of debt, he never filed for bankruptcy, but he said, ‘We have to sell the big house.’ “Dorothy loved their block because they were surrounded by at least eight other large community families, and the Kenneys used their house to host morning prayer for the neighborhood, but they left it behind for a smaller place on Minnehaha Parkway. Bill’s eye for real estate showed in the deal: the new house was more affordable, but still in a lovely spot.

Three years later, Bill told Dorothy that they would need to sell the smaller house and rent something. To Bill’s surprise, the first thing Dorothy asked about was curtains. “I said, ‘If you rent a house, you don’t want to put fancy curtains in there.’ Of all the crazy things for me to say, but that’s what was on my heart at the time.” Soon after that, Bill and Dorothy went to look at a condo at the Commodore, an old converted hotel in St. Paul. The owner reported, “We furnished the whole place, and I just spent $10,000 on window treatments.” They moved in and eventually bought the condo. Bill set up a small office downstairs, where he kept Kenney Realty running as a smaller and smaller business until it finally disbanded in the 1990s, when Bill went to work as a realtor for another firm.

 Dorothy Kenney stands in front of a photo of herself and Bill on their wedding day two days after he returned from Korea. They were married 62 years.

Finally, in 1999, a confluence of events ended Bill’s remaining debt for good. Both a community member and a minister Bill had borrowed from separately decided to forgive him those large debts. A year or two earlier, Bill and Dorothy had thought about selling the condo to move into a smaller apartment across the street from the Cathedral of St. Paul, but it hadn’t sold. Then another apartment opened up in the same building, so they put the condo on the market again, and it sold for $20,000 more than the original listing. Dorothy says, “Bill always said, ‘God dumped $20,000 in my lap.’ So, totally, totally, totally out of debt, we started over.”

Robert remembers, “Bill had been living an upper-middle-class life and he made the transition to less money. He had to change dramatically. He made the transition, just no problem at all. He trusted the Lord and never had a depressed day as far as I recall. The Lord let him down very gently, step by step, and gradually out of debt.”

In the midst of all this, Bill was busy for the Lord, too. He was in Christians in Commerce. He was on the board of DeLaSalle High School, his alma mater. He was chairman of the Catholic charismatic renewal in the Twin Cities. He and Dorothy joined the cathedral parish in St. Paul, and Bill volunteered to run the men’s club pancake breakfasts. He was also constantly engaged in his favorite pastime, talking to people about Jesus.

Mark Lauer, Bill’s head, remembers going out to lunch with Bill. “He would get to know the waiter or waitress by name and a little bit about the person’s story. If any need came up, he would say, ‘I’ll pray for you.’” Bill and Robert played golf together regularly, and sometimes they would pair off with a couple of golfers they didn’t know. Robert says, “No matter who we were playing golf with, Bill would somehow bring the Lord into the conversation: ‘Do you know the Lord? Are you going to church?’ A lot of people would say, ‘I quit going 25 years ago.’ He’d tell them, ‘You gotta get back in touch.’”

* * *

Around the year 2000, Bill took a newly created job as a security guard at Visitation School, a Catholic school of about 600 students in Mendota Heights. Visitation starts with pre-K, and the older students in grades six to twelve are all girls. Bill arrived in the afternoons and stayed to close the building at night, watching the security cameras, greeting visitors, and walking the last few girls to their cars after dark. He discovered that the parking lot was a little chaotic in the afternoon, with students crossing the street at the same time that vehicles needed to leave, so he started coming in earlier to direct traffic, sometimes in a funny winter hat.

 A blanket from Visitation sits on Bill’s favorite recliner.

Rene Gavic, the head of school at Visitation, remembers, “He was the go-to person. He knew everything. He had keys for everything. He was a good problem-solver, so if someone’s car wouldn’t start, they would go to Bill first. He cared about you and would help you and support you in any way.”

Bill noticed when the students were having difficulties. Mary McClure, who teaches religion at Visitation, recalls, “He would ask, ‘Would you like me to pray with you?’ He waited until he knew there was an opening. Sometimes girls would share a healing: they needed to run, and they’d had an injury, so Bill prayed and they were able to participate the next day.”

Rene adds a story about her own daughter at Visitation. “When she was 12, she fell in a cross-country race, and other runners stepped on her face with their spiked shoes. She needed 22 stitches in her face. As a 12-year-old girl, that was challenging for her. I remember her coming to school the very first day back, and what she wanted to do was have Mr. Kenney pray with her. He prayed with her, and her situation and her self-image–all of that–never bothered her again.”

At Visitation, Bill developed a strategy for generosity. Once a month, the students give one dollar to charity for permission to be out of uniform for the day. Bill dropped by the campus minister’s office on the day she collected the dollars, and exchanged larger bills for her pile of ones. “In one of his pockets, he had a little vial of oil to pray with people, and in the other pocket, he had maybe twenty single ones. That would be for the kids whose dollar got stuck in the vending machines,” Mary remembers. Those ones also often made their way into the hands of the homeless.

 Bill as St. Nicholas at his church in 2015.

There’s no way to know for sure if the man who kissed his casket at the funeral knew Bill, but we can be quite sure that Bill would have cared about him if he had ever met him on the street. In his later years, Bill’s friends remember him always going up to homeless people standing on corners, telling them that Jesus loved them, and giving them one or two dollars for a cup of coffee. That human contact was important to him. Bill’s son Kevin adds that he would also offer a dollar or two when someone at the grocery store didn’t have enough to pay. “I think it was because people had helped him when he was in a time of need. It became a way of life for him,” Kevin recalls.

* * *

On December 4, 2016, Bill stayed after church at the cathedral to play St. Nicholas for the children, while Dorothy went home. As he was leaving, he fell on the sidewalk outside, and a passerby called 911. He’d had a stroke and died within a few days.

For Christmas, Dorothy and the Kenney family gathered at the home of one of her daughters. Bill had dressed as Santa Claus for many years, and Santa Claus wasn’t there that year. Dorothy’s kids coaxed her to the front door of the house. Dorothy recalls, “Out the front door they had all these jars with candles in them spelling out ‘Jesus’ on the front lawn. It was so beautiful, because Bill preached Jesus. I mean, he preached Jesus, preached, preached Jesus.”


Both Catholic — will Trump pick an Hispanic Cuban-American OR a Scalia protege with 7 kids?

To replace Supreme Court Justice  Ginsberg who recently died — which caused a huge surge in donations to the Democrats –– who will Trump  pick?  Two women — both Catholics  –  are likely prospects:   front runner Catholic    Amy Barrett  a conservative originalist/   Scalia protege  or Barbara Lago a Catholic and  Cuban American from Florida.  Barrett.

Think  about Trump’s Art of the Deal approach.  Trump needs to win 270 electorial votes  and Florida may be a key state.  Barbara Lagoa can  appeal not only to women in general but also to   Hispanics, Cubans  and Florida voters.

Both Barett and Lagoa are Catholics which  brings to the fore  the highly divisive issue of  abortion funding  and Wade vs Roe’s future.   Abortion comes back to the fore as a hot issue in the 2020 elections. So does freedom to practice one’s religion.  

The smear tactics used by the Democrats  on Kavanaugh  most  likely  will re- surface.

Remember what Kamala Harris  — now Biden’s running mate –  said in 2018:

“Kavanaugh chooses his words very carefully, and this is a dog whistle for going after birth control. He was nominated for the purpose of taking away a woman’s constitutionally protected right to make her own health care decisions. Make no mistake – this is about punishing women.”.    Kamala Harris led the attacks on Kavanaugh — remember?


This is from Forbes:   “Like several of the court’s more conservative justices, Amy Coney Barrett has described herself as an “originalist,” meaning she bases her rulings on what she believes was the original intent of the Constitution’s authors. A social conservative, Coney Barrett signed a joint letter in 2015, prior to becoming a judge, affirming “the value of human life from conception to natural death” and asserting that marriage is “founded on the indissoluble commitment of a man and a woman” — which raised concerned among LGBTQ groups that she would oppose gay marriage.’

Barbara Lagoa  may seem  a safer bet for Trump to get ‘on the ticket’ a woman, a woman of ‘color’ [loosely defined], a woman who can appeal to a wide range of voters [Florida, women, Hispanic, Cuban, conservatives] who will not worry Pro Choice voters.

Nominating Amy Barrett  or Barbara Lagoa may unleash the same  unbridled fury unleashed by the Democrats  on Kavanaugh  and — if that happens — it may just come back to bite  Democrats  on election day 2020.

In 1960 a central issue was whether Kennedy — a Catholic — would be  inappropriately influenced by his Catholic beliefs.  Kennedy had to overcome anti-Catholic bias. . K   Now we have two women — both Cathoic and both ‘conservative’ — nominated to be on the Supreme Court.

Trump must get a certain number of electoral votes.  Florida matters.  The state of Pennsylvania looks like it may be a mess with elections decided by the courts.  The whole ‘vote by mail’ is may tie the actual decision based on vote counting well  beyond Election Night. Both women are Catholic and equally likely to un-leash Democrat ire towards ProLife and fears about federal funding for abortions.

Which nominee is more likely to give Trump the necessary electoral votes he needs to get re-elected?

Barbara Lagoa has the edge.   As of 9/20/2020, Real Clear Politics  lists Biden 48.6 ahead  to 47.0 for Trump.   So Florida is one state which Trump must pay close attention to.

written by Cameron Jackson   

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com



