120+ Families Homeless in Santa Cruz: Where do we go from here? Elected ‘leaders’ clueless …

What about the homeless living in  Santa Cruz CA enviorns?   Locally  elected  Santa Cruz CA  ‘leaders’  — mayor, chief of police, city council, county board of supervisors — don’t  know  what to do about the homeless living in Santa Cruz. Or at least they aren’t saying.

Will Santa Cruz soon look like San Francisco which has a legally sanctioned encampment in front of city hall?

And the Santa Cruz CA elected ‘leaders’  are not doing anything about  the growing illegal homeless  encampments.

It  might be said that our local ‘leaders’  are not answering phone calls and questions about what’s being done or not done.

Much in the news a year ago, how and where to put transitional  homeless camps are  no longer in the  news.     That’s what Grossman &  his wife Dehlen report in  a guest commentary published 10/1/2020  in the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

Of all  persons and organizations contacted, only  one of the  ‘leaders’,  board supervisor Ryan Coonerty, responded and ‘ got back to Kevin Grossman & Amy Dahlen  about transitional camps for homeless folk.  [Grossman & Dahlen live in the community; no other information available.]

The word ‘leaders’  is placed in   ‘    ‘     because what  stands out in the  TV nightly news is the lack of leadership that so  local officials in  so many  Democrat  run cities show routinely. Politicians   especially in Democrat run cities, fold at the first sign of violent confrontation. The highest violence occurs in Democrat run cities.   

Remember — CA and Santa Cruz are run by the Democrats and Santa Cruz is a Sanctuary City.  And remember — the Santa Cruz council voted unanimously to  permit  a huge Black Lives Matter mural  in front of City Hall.

Other than that they are ‘community members’ there’s no information provided by the Sentinel  about who K. Grossman and A. Dahlen are and what their involvement has been locally.  [There’s one listing in Facebook  for a Grossman  of  Santa Cruz  but that concerns a  single man.]

The article notes that about 120 families are homeless in Sana Cruz.  Intact families with kids to care for probably  jerk  the heart strings of more people than  do  drug addicted single men with little family or  job history.

So maybe that’s the place to start — what to do about 120+ homeless families residing in the Santa Cruz enviorns.

How help 120 families that are homeless. Move ‘leaders’ aside and figure out how to ask individuals, groups and organizations how they can assist.

  1.  We have ZOOM now, an easy way to connect for free for 45 minutes.  Keep meetings short and do them standing up and that ‘s one way to move decisions along.

2.  Type Santa Cruz into Facebook and up pops several organizations worth exploring.   United Way of Santa Cruz County runs a 211  advertisement worth knowing about.   211 will connect individuals with health and human services so it says.

3.  Use tools such as Survey Monkey to find out how people can and will help.   It’s easy to put up a simple survey and ask people what they are willing to do.   Here’s one question that people can be asked:

Can you help one (1) homeless family?   Telephone contact and listening.  Referral to resources and finding out about other resources.   Referral or assistance of  little cash a week, bus pass, money to clean clothes.  Listen, listen and listen.

What are you willing to do?

written by Cameron Jackson, psychologist    JAJ48@aol.com



Real face of Marxism: ‘racial justice’ for Blacks only in San Francisco

Let’s help create Marx’s  ‘classless society’ in San Francisco  by favoring Blacks?   Government has gotta get rid of income gaps between Blacks and others?
     London Breed, the Mayor of San Francisco, recently announced an innovative new program designed to provide financial support for women expecting a child both during the pregnancy and for six months after the baby is born.
 Breed said in a statement. “The Abundant Birth Project is rooted in racial justice and recognizes that Black and Pacific Islander mothers suffer disparate health impacts, in part because of the persistent wealth and income gap.”
Given the costs associated with prenatal care, medical expenses and the costs associated with raising an infant, that’s a nice idea, isn’t it?
I’m sure plenty of mothers-to-be could use that sort of help. But as with so many things in this world, there’s a catch.

Or a couple of catches, actually. First of all, it won’t be available to everyone. You have to be selected by the people in charge of the project.

Oh, and don’t bother applying if you happen to be a Native American, Latina, or White woman expecting a child. The offer only applies if you are either Black or of Pacific-Islander background. (Yahoo News)

Maybe San Francisco’s mayor hopes to change life expectancy for Black babies aborted by Black moms?  In New York City more babies are aborted by Black mothers-to-be than are born.

Firenze Sage:    Well it might be slightly better than sending the  corpse to planned parenthood for body parts sales.

What to do about Covid-19, looting & other Democrat failures? Vote in Nov.!

‘Hand over the brain.’

Democrat politicians expect you to hand over your brain when thinking about recent lootings, the killing of an unarmed black by a white cop and how to manage Covid-19.   Do you live in a town or city run by Democrats?  Watch out! Think for your self!

What can you do about Covid-19, looting in the streets and Democrat  policy failures?  For sure, vote in November.   In the meanwhile, use your brain to make decisions and do so with courage and a heart that is caring.

Courage. A heart. A brain.  That’s what the lion,  the tin man and  the scarecrow wanted. And those are precisely what  Democrat Party  policies lacks.

New York is a Democrat stronghold.   New York  been a hot spot during the Covid-19 epidemic with a higher death rate than the rest of the U.S.  The actual disparity is absolutely shocking.  As a proportion of the population, the number of excess deaths in New York City during the epidemic has been 16 times as high as in the rest of America.(Wall Street Journal, The Measure of New York’s Covid Devastation, June 3, 2020).

Many  east coast and west coast  cities and states are controlled  by the Democrat parties. Thanks to Democrat progressive policies,   San Francisco on the west coast  is  known as the city of feces and homeless.  That’s Nancy Pelosi’s home  town.

Democrat controlled New York City is   now known as the place where the most die from Covid-19.  That’s where 4,300 Covid-19 patients were transfered  from New York  hospitals to nursing homes.  This exposed the oldest, frailest and most vulnerable to the virus.  (WSJ, The Measure of New York’s Covid Devastation, June 3, 2020).

The Democrat politicians that run cities have bought into the belief that the police are a bigger problem than rampant disorder. Where did that belief come from?  Remember President Obama and his policies towards the police.  Eight years of Obama and his AG Eric Holder have had a huge impact.

In response to the recent killing of a black unarmed man by a white policeman  Eric Holder was asked to day  6/3/2020 in a podcast on Obama’s website,what is your most radical dream?‘ Holder replied,‘that people be judged by their deeds and  not  sterotype people.”

Deeds — let’s judge people based on their deeds says AG Eric Holder.   Blacks make up 13% of the USA population and in 2018 African-Americans and made up  53% of known homocide  offenders in the U.S..  African-Americans  commit about 60%  of  all robberies.

What about who  is killed by  the police?   In 2019, the police fatally shot 9  unarmed blacks and  19 unarmed whites  according to a Washington Post database, down from 38 and 32, respectively in 2015.

So, last year in 2019  twice as many unarmed  whites  were killed compared to  unarmed blacks.  There’s been no outrage or looting because  unarmed white men  died.

In 2018 there were 7,404   black homocide victims.  That’s alot of blacks dying and most of them are killed by another black person  That is the sad, rarely discussed  story than Democrat politicians  do not address.

What about the safety of police officers?   A police officer is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.   The above  statistics are from The Myth of Systemic Police Racism, WSJ, June 8, 2020.

California and New York are both run by Democrats. Both states have been slow to re-open from the Covid-19 pandemic.  In Santa Cruz, CA people are still kept off the beaches during th 11-5 hours and people are still “sheltering in place” wearing masks.

What to do?  Use your brain, have a heart and show courage.

written by Cameron Jackson   PSY14762  licensed CA psychologist




San Francisco sanctuary city verdict, no Democrats support tax reform & Flynn found guilty of lies … Consequences?

Day of reckoning for sanctuary cities,  tax reform and General Flynn’s lies to the F.B.I.? 

Sanctuary Cities:  With San Francisco’s  not guilty verdict for Kate Steinle’s shooter  — an illegal alien felon who was  deported five times  to Mexico — San Francisco’s sanctuary city laws continue to protect illegals from federal immigration,   I.C.E.  And the consequences likely to be?    Probably more public outcry to protect the safety of U.S. citizens and more  support to build a Wall.

Tax cuts for the middle class:   No Democrats — House or Senate –  support tax cuts for the middle class in 2017.  Wow!  What a change from the last time tax cuts were on the table.  The last time — 16 years ago –  there was major tax reform only 31 Democrats voted against  tax cuts in the Senate and in the House 28 Democrats supported the bill including California.  And what might be the long term  consequences for this epic  policy and political blunder  by  the Democrat Party?  When the average voter has more money in their pocket book and the economy offers higher wages, voters will remember. The middle class has been leaving CA because of high taxes and high rents.  Maybe the Democrat progressives will ‘face the music’ in next year’s elections.  Especially if more sexual predators are identified in the Democrat controlled legislature?

Lies to the F.B.I.:   And General Flynn  — that NSA adviser who Obama ‘unmasked’  now  found guilty because e he lied to the FBI.   Flynn served as NSA adviser  for about one month and  was fired by Trump because he lied to his boss, Vice President Pence. Trump’s son-in-law  Jared Kushner  told Flynn to make the call concerning which he later lied to the F.B.I. Reports suggest that Kushner’s influence is waning fast. 

Freedoms enjoyed in America have consequences ….     Speak up & comment!

written by  licensed CA psychologist Dr. Cameron Jackson   PSY14762

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717
Email: jaj48@aol.com



San Francisco Library: how about a first edition syringe?

  librarySan Francisco library  trains staff  to handle persons who overdose on drugs.

library trains staff how handle overdoses
library trains staff how handle overdoses

In addition to checking out and re-shelving books, San Francisco library staffers may soon be trained to give lifesaving medication to reverse overdoses among the growing number of heroin users mixing in with the homeless in and around the Main Library.

The idea surfaced after an addict was found dead in one of the Civic Center library’s restrooms in early February.

San Francisco’s Main Library has become a magnet for the city’s exploding homeless population. Coincidentally or not, the neighborhood has seen epidemic numbers of users of heroin and prescription painkillers – opioids such as codeine, morphine and OxyContin.

In 2016, the Main Library tracked 689 instances of patron misbehavior, ranging from vandalism and altercations to verbal disturbances and drug use[.]

… San Francisco has taken a compassionate approach when dealing with the problem, offering both free and unlimited access to syringes.


Firenze Sage:  Why have a library or a police force or a jail if you simply don’t care.


remember Kate Steinley killed by 5 time deported felon

sanctuary-city-san-franciscoRemember Kate Steinley shot in the back and  killed   in the sanctuary city of San Francisco by  five time deported illegal felon Lopez, a Mexican natonal   with multiple  convictions?

The man who murdered  Kate Steinley  was released from  jail  by the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department and not turned over to federal authorities.

A February 2017  poll shows that Trump has broad public support in his effort to crack down on sanctuary cities.

A recent Harvard-Harris Poll shows  that 80 percent  of voters say  that local authorities should comply with the law by reporting to federal agents the illegal immigrants they come in contact with.

Cities that arrest illegal immigrants for crimes should be required to turn them over to federal authorities

Sanctuary cities receive $2.27 BILLION in federal programs.

A safety issue:   Trump re-framed the issue from a partisan battle to a duty owed to the American people: “When it comes to public safety, there is no place for politics; no Republicans, no Democrats, just citizens, and good citizens,” he said. “We want safe communities. We demand safe communities for everyone.” Voters will want to know why their mayor sides with the illegal alien killer over a victimized American family.

About 300 sanctuary city jurisdictions operate in the U.S. where state or local officials refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement officers and make it difficult for them to apprehend illegal aliens caught committing a crime.

Santa Cruz CA is a sanctuary city. Law enforcement officials in Santa Cruz claim that the community is safer by not reporting illegal immigrants to federal authorities. Recently 13 members of  M-13 gang were arrested in Santa Cruz by federal  authorities in cooperation with local authorities.

The Trump plan includes an expansion of the “287(g) program” — named for the section of federal immigration law that enables DHS to deputize state and local law-enforcement officers to enforce the laws as if they were federal immigration agents.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/445107/trump-immigration-enforcement-guidance-deportation-warranted-any-unlawful-behavior


Monterey Bay Forum:  Jobs!  

 New jobs:   Trump’s plan calls for adding resources:  10,000  to federal enforcement (ICE)  and 5,000 Border Patrol persons.

The many freedoms Americans enjoy  are dependent upon laws which are enforced.  Let’s take good care of legal, honest immigrants and let’s crack down on felons such as the man who murdered Kate Steinley.  What say you?

