Does Kamala Harris truly love you?

young people ‘stupid’ says Kamala  Harris

Are people aged 18 – 24 “stupid”?  So says Kamala Harris who seeks to be President in 2020.

During a keynote address at a symposium hosted by the Ford Foundation in 2015, Senator Kamala Harris, who at the time was the California attorney general, called people aged 18 to 24 “stupid.”

Kamala Harris  said, “What’s the other thing we know about this population? And it’s a specific phase of life. And remember, age is more than a chronological fact. What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid.” “That is why we put them in dormitories, and they have a resident assistant. They make really bad decisions,” she added.

In 2011 the current San Francisco  District Attorney  George Gascon  conferred Certificates of Completion of the program  to eleven (11) graduates of Back on Track.Harris states she started a  Back On Tracks program  in 2015.  No numbers are readily a available as to how many have completed the Back on Track program which  Harris refers to.


Firenze Sage   

Ok, millenials,  how do you like her now?


Firenze Sage: a chicken in every pot? How help Venezuela? God only knows…


” A chicken in every pot…”  Venezuela?  USA?

What cost for:  A chicken in every pot? Venezuela?  USA?

People in Venezuela are starving  and  cannot afford chicken or milk for their children.

First stated by Henry IV of France as, “I want there to be no peasant in my realm so poor that he will not have a chicken in his pot every Sunday,” and later in the United States during the Hoover campaign for presidency as part of an advertisement.

The cost of chicken is about $1.28 per pound in the USA.

So — what can people do so Venezuela kids have “a chicken in every pot”?

What has the Trump administration done?

  • The Trump Administration has imposed a range of sanctions on the Maduro dictatorship in Venezuela, including sanctions targeting Maduro and other senior government officials.



Should illegal immigrants — who contribute to long lines at the DMV — vote in CA elections?


Long lines at  DMV in CA

Should illegal immigrants –who contribute to long DMV lines — vote in local and state elections in CA? The DMV

Latest DMV news:  The DMV  botched 23,000 voter registrations in 2018.

Speak up about long lines at the DMV.  Publicized by Jim Paterson of Fresno, CA.

Speak up!  Use your voice! Here’s how to Comment on  Active Measure 18-0005.

In CA, long lines at the DMV  are due in part   to thousands of illegal immigrants who are legally  permitted get driver’s licenses. Over one million illegal immigrants receive CA driver’s licenses.  San Francisco now allows illegal immigrants to vote in school elections.

Question:  Should  those illegal immigrants also  be allowed to vote in CA local and state elections?  Is it time to control our southern border with Mexico?

CA Democrats recently rejected Republican Assemblyman Jim Paterson’s request to audit the DMV.  And now we learn that the Democrat controlled legislature in CA has  has  special DMV office so the Democrats and other politicians  don’t stand in lines.

So  the Democrat controlled elite  CA legislature  get special treatment for themselves  while  the working class  “masses” stand in long  lines  — due in part to  the  one million  illegal immigrants permitted by CA   Democrats  to get driver’s  licenses. A million plus illegals do make for longer DMV lines.

Spokespeople for Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins did not respond to questions whether it’s appropriate for lawmakers to get special services at the Capital office.  Of course not.

You have until August 24 to Comment on whether only US citizens may register to vote and vote in CA elections.  Speak up!

My view:

I agree that only U.S. citizens can register to vote in California state or local elections. CA has a border with Mexico and thousands of persons illegally cross the border The statistics are staggering.

These illegals are citizens of other countries and their allegiance is to those countries — not to the U.S. Only people who stand in line and legally are permitted to enter and later go through the process of becoming a U.S. citizen should be permitted to vote in CA elections. Go Monterey Bay Forum for more discussion. All public comments are welcome there. Cameron Jackson

Below is the measure that will appear on the November 2018  ballot:  

Elections Code section 2001 is added to read:
2001{a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, only persons who are United States citizens may
register to vote and vote in an election held within the territory within which he or she resides and the
election is held. This section applies to elections held by the state and every subdivision of the state,
including cities, counties, charter cities, charter counties, charter city and counties, and districts.

written by Dr.Cameron Jackson, licensed psychologist in CA  (PSY14762).  Monterey Bay Forum welcomes new authors who know about northern California particularly Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties.   How to contact Dr. Jackson and other authors including Firenze Sage: 

Monerey Bay Forum

127 Jewell Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
United States (US)
Phone: 831 688 6002
Fax: 831 688 7717




Trump Wall? Immigration control? Chain migration? The DACA / Dreamers? Time to speak up?


chain migration

Where are we?  A Trump Wall?   Control of chain migration?  Will the DACA/ the Dreamers get right to citizenship?

Immigration  — the control of  legal and illegal  immigration  –  which include “chain migration”  and “the lottery system”    — are right now  on the table for discussion by Congress and the President.

The House, which  is likely to support what comes from President Trump, probably   opposes chain migration and the  continuation of the Lottery System which allows anyone from anywhere to become an American citizen.

For 40 + years — from 1921 onward   the USA stopped all immigration.

Do we need to integrate those who have come so that they do speak English and have the necessary skills to be successful here in America?

Or do we simply open our doors to all refugees who suffer oppression i.e. “I was a stranger and you welcomed me…”?

What say you?

written by Cameron Jackson


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