What to do for CA schools, jobs, churches – closed by Gov. Newsom

What can you do to help re-open  CA schools, jobs & churches closed by  California  Democrat Gov. Newsom?  Plenty. As a taxpayer and voter, speak your mind.

First of all, know that that  Democrat Party  actions show  Democrats   prefer continued  economic meltdown to economic growth.

Example:   Today 7/31 the Democrats blocked extension of renewal of federal enhanced unemployment benefits at $200 a week.

What you can do?   Write your representatives — almost all Democrats in CA — and ask them to explain why two-thirds of regular pay is not enough given prior Democrat proposals that set virus sick pay leave and family medial leave at two-thirds regular pay. Why?  The real answer is that Democrats are blocking economic revival.  The economy contracted about 1/3 in the second quarter of 2020 — the largest ever contraction.   It must be ‘we the people’ who open the economy that get people back to work. Time to speak up.

 Second,   know that health advisor   Dr. Farci  is in the tank in support of  the Democrats ‘do nothing’  approach when he tells Congressman Jordan that the public should  ‘avoid all crowds’ but won’t comment whether  the government should control crowds of protesters.  So, crowds of protests are OK for Farci but not others.  See below:

So what can you and I do  to help get children back to school?   Parents can say ‘no more unionized instruction’  of their children’ in government schools paid for by   required taxation.  Encourage competition by forming more charter schools and  attending private schools.  It’s competition that brings costs down and improves quality.  We readily see how competition  drives down costs  at the grocery stores and it’s also true for  other costs.

What about re-opening the churches and faith organizations?  There’s a piece in the WSJ today how believing that life has meaning helps individuals thrive. There’s lots of research that supports that view.

The WSJ  article is titled,    Titled Free Markets and Meaning in Life by Clay Routledge and John Bitzan. It discusses research that found that  a sense of life’s meaningfulness is tightly tied to positive views of capitalism and entrepreneurship.

What might people do?      Does your church or where you work support the marxist  organization  Black Lives Matters.com  (BLM)?   Look at the BLM website and you will find it opposes the nuclear family and seeks to de-fund the police.   Why not suggest to your church or work place that they hold   a discussion of the above listed WSJ  article that supports capitalism and entrepreneurship compared with what’s  supported by the Black Lives Matters.com website?

You  can see from what’s going on in Portland, Oregon  and Seattle, Washington  that what starts out as  peaceful protests are   hijacked by Antifa and  Black Lives Matter folks.   Per the videos,  these  ‘protesters’ are destroying property and doing violence to people.

One Episcopal priest, Sara Fischer,  who has been attending the protests in Portland    has this to say:  [Egan Millard is an assistant editor and reporter for Episcopal News writes the following re Sara Fisher.]

“I’m there out of compassion and concern for all the protesters. And I think the first time I went down there I thought, well, nobody’s going to throw tear gas at a silver-haired white lady in a collar. And it turns out that there’s so many people there, the feds don’t really discriminate.”

The below quote is from  Egan Millard, an assistant editor and reporter for Episcopal News Service.  His email:  emillard@episcopalchurch.org.

“The Rev. Sara Fischer doesn’t know what to expect next, but she sees it as part of her duty as a priest to protect those who are in danger and support their message, regardless of the ways in which they protest. As much as she would prefer to see completely nonviolent protests, she understands why that’s not the case.”

“I think that the church’s role is to protect and defend protesters, to be present, to show up,”  Sara Fischer  said to Egan Millard.   

Aptos Psychologist:   The protests in Portland and Seattle started because of the  murder of  George Floyd  by a white policeman.  That was the end of May, a couple months ago.  What’s going on now has morphed into violence against people and vandalism and destruction of homes and businesses.   Video footage night after night shows that  Antifa and Black Lives Matter are central players  to the disorders.

It’s Democrat mayors and Democrat governors   who permit  the chaos to continue. The public must let their representatives and the media [typically in the tank for the Democrats] know what you think of the continued  violence in Democrat run cities  against person and property.

Harmed  among  others  are the black  families  and  black small businesses living in Democrat run cities who are  caught in the cross fire  and  experience the violence.   Doing  prolonged violence and vandalism   is not the way to  remember the murder of  George Floyd.

What say you?

written by DrCameronJackson@gmail.com



Remember — Seattle’s Nakamura U.S. Courthouse named for 20 year old Japanese-American hero

Remember — Seattle’s besieged federal courthouse is named after a young, 20 year old Japanese-American soldier and hero  named Nakamura.

This young soldier in 1942, shortly  after he and his family were interned, joined the Army’s famous 442 Regimental Combat Team  and  two years later  saved his platoon by destroying the enemy’s machine gun nest and covering the  withdrawal of his platoon.   In 1944, Nakamura  lost his life to save fellow  American lives.

Nakamura  was the first Army volunteer from Minidoka Relocation Center (an internment camp) to be killed in action.  In 2000, President Clinton presented  22 war heroes with Medals of Honor;  these soldiers   had been denied Medals of Honor at the time on account of their Asian ancestry.

Aptos Psychologist:  Asian lives matter.  All lives matter.



Where buy hydroxychloroquine [anti-malaria] as preventative for COVID-19?

Use hydroexchloroquine as a preventative for COVID-19?


Dr. Stella Immanuel  of Houston says that she has  given the  drug for COVID-19 related issues  to 300 patients  without  problems.

Where can people get it?   You can buy from Canada!  Where made?   It’s  made in Great Britain!   The cost for the generic is about a dollar a pill.   Go to CanadaPharmacyOnline 

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Visit us online at CanadaPharmacyOnline.com and place your order today. You can also email us at CustomerService@CanadaPharmacyOnline.com.

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Aptos Psychologist:   Let people have access to information about possible ways to prevent COVID-19.  There’s doctors out there who are convinced that hydroexchloroquine does work both as a preventative and for treatment of COVID-19  in conjunction with zinc and other medications.  Front line doctors need the flexibility to make decisions with their patients as how to proceed.        drcameronjackson@gmail.com




Prevent COVID-19? Take 200 mg of hydroxychloroquine twice a week say frontline MDs

Want to prevent getting COVID-19?  Consider taking that anti-malaria drug.   The one which  President Trump takes.

A group of frontline  MDs recommend for prevention of COVID-19 that   you take a low dosage —200 mg   — of anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine  twice a week for prevention of COVID-19 . Very important, also  take the mineral zinc.

This was one of the recomendations of a  group of frontline medical doctors during a press conference in Washington D.C. on 7/22/2020.

  Hydroxychloroquine   is viewed as a life-saving medication for both prevention and treatment of  COVID-19 by these M.Ds.  

A group of MD’s  explained why they support  the anti-malaria drug for prevention and as a possible cure for COVID-19 during  a press conference 7/28/2020.

Their main point is that the public should have access to information and make up their own mind — not be spoon fed one side of the story by the press and supposed  medical experts. Dr.   Fauci  — who has been in his job since 1984 –  strongly  supported the anti-malaria drug 15 years ago;  now he opposes it. Why the flip flop?   

Dr.Faui  has not seen an actual patient for treatment  in 20 years;  these medical doctors say that Dr. Fauci needs to meet regularly  with actual MDs who are on the front lines treating the virus.

  Dr. Emanuel — on Twitter –  was one of the doctors excoriating Dr. Fauci for being out of touch with front line doctors who treat patients. Dr. Emanuel said she has treated 300 patients — many with co-morbid conditions (diabetes, obesity, heart) and all of them were helped by use of the anti-malaria medication in conjunction with other meds.       

Gist of what  these  frontline MD’s said:

Facts:  Several randomized studies show no health benefits for the drug.  One was in the New England Journal of Medicne.  That patients treated do show improvement is also a fact. The drug works.  This drug has been used variously, e.g.  for rheumatoid arthritis, lupis and malaria.  Why limit the use of the is drug by MDs?   Doctors who do the treatment need to have flexibility to use this drug.   So say this group of doctors.

Pay attention to deaths caused by the virus — and ignore the case numbers which are irrelevant.    The  media focuses on case numbers which don’t matter.    It’s deaths that matter and   numbers of deaths by COVID-19  are hard to get.

Children need and must get   back to school.  Children are the least affected and young children don’t pass it on.

Unions are stopping the opening of the schools.  One of the MDs, Dr. James Tadaro,  who said he was from California said that it’s the unions which keep the schools closed.   The American Federation of Teachers (AFT)  in CA seeks to defund the police and to put a moratorium on charter schools. Dr. Todaro is on Twitter and has a website titled Medicine Uncensored.

Where to purchase the anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine.   It  is sold over the counter in many parts of the world including Iran and Indonesia.  It has been used safely for 50 years.  It is as safe as asprin say these doctors. Some pharmacies are interfering with MD’s prescription of the drug they say.

What  doseage  hydroxychloroquine   as a preventaitve?     For prevention of  COVID-19,  take 200 mg  (only) twice a week and also take   the mineral zinc. Your lungs are depleted of zinc they say.

And now Squarespace   – the website for these doctors –    REMOVED THEIR WEBSITE TODAY!
Tech giants Twitter, YouTube etc.,  are REFUSING to broadcast information on the use of an anti-malaria drug.   

written by Cameron Jackson    DrCameronJackson@gmail.com



Just the type to call for racial justice [Jussie Smollett]

Unemployed actor and hate hoaxer Jussie Smollett was spotted protesting  outside of Trump Tower this weekend.

Remember Jussie Smollett?   He staged a hate crime and lied to police.

Hate hoaxer Jussie Smollett was indicted in February on 6 charges of disorderly conduct by a special prosecutor in Chicago more than one year after he falsely claimed two white  Trump supporters attacked him with bleach and put a rope around his neck.

It turned out Jussie Smollett paid two Nigerian brothers $3,500 to help him carry out the hate hoax.

The “two white Trump supporters” were black Nigerians in white face. Jussie later claimed that drugs were responsible. 

This weekend Jussie Smollett was out protesting in front of Trump Tower in New York City.


Firenze Sage:    Jessie do get around.


Racist? Democrat Party platform attacks….’white people’

The Democratic Party platform has been published in draft form, and it is a beauty.    It  is largely an attack on white people.

The Democratic Party  platform mentions whites or whiteness 15 times, never in a positive light. Notice below the  focus on  one reference to alleged white supremacy:

Median incomes are lower and poverty rates are higher for Black Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and some Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, compared to median white households.   

But wait! Notice how they tried to slip that one by you: “some Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.” Why only “some,” in a land defined by white supremacy? There is, of course, a story here, one that the Democrats will never tell. These are how various ethnic groups ranked by median  income in the 2018 census. Whites come in 17th.





America is the ‘land of opportunity’ for all sorts of people of various shades of color and coming from all over the world. Look at their incomes: 



-Bring on the 2nd amendment [police cannot protect business owners in Seattle]

The Seattle police chief informs business owners that they are on their own against rioters. The city council has tied her hands. The police do not have the tools to combat mob violence . So who will protect against mob violence?   

The letter is a wonder to behold — a first for civil society in a modern industrialized country. Law enforcement telling the people they are sworn to protect that government won’t let them do their jobs and that any damage done to the business owners’ property isn’t the fault of the police.

Please also know that the City Council Ordinance 119805 Crowd Control Tool goes into effect this weekend on Sunday, July 26, 2020. This ordinance bans Seattle Police officers the use of less lethal tools, including pepper spray that is commonly used to disperse crowds that have turned violent. Simply put, the legislation gives officers NO ability to safely intercede to preserve property in the midst of a large, violent crowd.

It is important to bring to your attention that yesterday, I sent the City Council a letter ensuring them that as the Chief of Police, I have done my due diligence of informing them numerous times of the foreseeable impact of this ordinance on upcoming events. The letter is attached for your reference.

For these reasons, Seattle Police will have an adjusted deployment in response to any demonstrations this weekend – as I will never ask our officers to risk their personal safety to protect property without the tools to do so in a safe way.


Firenze Sage:     Welcome  Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp


erase history? change Cabrillo College name?




Erase history  or deal with it and move on?  Some seek to wipe out the name of Juan Rodriquez  Cabrillo from the Cabrillo College (Aptos, CA) name.

Juan Rodriquez Cabrillo was a Spanish explorer  of the CA coastline back in 1542. That’s 400 years ago.

Juan Rodriquez Cabrillo, who   claimed San Diego Bay for Spain, may be  permanently  scrubbed from Cabrillo College.  That depends on what the sub-committee  brings back to the full Board of Trustees and on  how the full  Board votes.

Madison Reach, who now attends U.C. Berkeley, took anthropology 6  at Cabrillo College.  This class is offered in the Spring every other year.   Reach says Cabrillo is a ‘documented serial rapist’ and that his name is ‘offensive’ to her.

So who taught  Anthropology  6 at Cabrillo?   What evidence was presented to students  that Juan Rodriquez Cabrillo,  was  a ‘serial rapist’  400 years ago  in 1542?  Google his name and one finds that   Juan Cabrillo, was Spanish, wealthy,  married  to a  Beatrice and that he  had two sons. Cabrillo missed discovering San Francisco Bay, got as far north as Point Reyes and  died due to an infection in his ankle while protecting his men under attack from natives. Oh dear — fighting with the natives caused his death.  How can we find out more?

How to find out more about Anthropology 6 which is offered at Cabrillo College?     Kristin Wilson is head of the department (831 477 3253).  She  probably knows who teaches the course on native CA cultures.  Whether  there’s ‘documented’ evidence that Cabrillo was a ‘serial rapist’ is ….  that seems unlikely.

Want to let the Board of Trustees know what you think?   Do you support an change in name or not?  How much will it cost for a name change?  Are there better purposes e.g.,  improve accessibility  to the college?

There are 7 Districts, Santa Cruz is in District 4, Aptos is in District 6 and the City of Watsonville has it’s own District, District 5.

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is August 3, 2020 in Watsonville Center. The following Sept. 14 there’s a meeting in Aptos at the Sesnon House at 6 pm.

Madison Reach was the guest of the Saturday Special on AM 1080 on 7/25/2020. The Saturday Special, intended as a forum for expression of ideas, is hosted every Saturday morning from 10-12 noon by Michael Zwerling.

written by Cameron Jackson   drcameronjackson@gmail.com


War on Cops? Riot against cops?

Know people  who think Black Lives Matter Incorporated — that marxist group that seeks to defund the police   and wants all police ‘gone’ –  is soooo right on?  Belong to a church that offers BLM wrist bands to wear?  The latest jewelry!

Pass along the following info —


Heather Mac Donald is America’s premier expert on the intersection of crime, race and policing.

Mac Donald’s  2016 book The War On Cops remains the definitive treatment of this topic. Sadly, the war on cops has not only been renewed, it has been ramped up to a degree that would have been unimaginable just four years ago.

On Thursday July 30, at Noon Central Time,  Heather will deliver a live online presentation on crime, race and policing, hosted by Center of the American Experiment.

You can go here to sign up for the event and get email reminders. But you don’t have to do that, the event will be live-streamed for everyone on YouTube and Facebook as well as at that link.

Mac Donald’s presentation will be the most thorough explication of the issues of crime, race and policing that you can see anywhere. These topics are surrounded by myth and misinformation that have become pervasive. Heather Mac Donald has the data to pierce through the fog and the courage to lay it out objectively. This is an event you will not want to miss. Mark your calendar, 12:00 Noon Central on Thursday, July 30. And it wouldn’t be a bad idea to sign up for email reminders.

That’s 10 AM in California, folks Remember — Thursday, July 30.  You can  download Mac Donald’s book The War on Cops from Amazon for $9.99.

Will someone please  invite Dr Lewis — the New York pastor who offers Anti-Racist Workshops — to listen in? Ask questions?

The first workshop by Dr. Lewis asked people to take a Pledge:  to learn ‘the Story’ of racism,  and to change ‘the Story’ of racism. That was June 17 &18.  Her next one [go to www.middlechurch.org ] is July 22 and 23 at 4 PM California time.

Dr. Lewis’s opinion is that whites are responsible for racism against blacks and that the problem goes back to Thomas Jefferson and his published views — quite unfavorable –  on blacks.  Remember who Thomas Jefferson was?  That dude  who, totally, wrote the Declaration of Independence.

written by Cameron Jackson  DrCameronJackson@gmail.com


Whose side is NY on? All released cop killers

 list of cop killers — from The Patriots Report

hn Ruzas – RELEASED 12/18/17
Killer of Trooper Emerson Dillon

Herman Bell – RELEASED 4/27/18
Killer of P.O. Joseph Piagentini & P.O. Waverly Jones

Carlos Flores – RELEASED 4/27/18
Killer of P.O. Robert Walsh

Robert Hayes – RELEASED 7/24/18
Killer of P.O. Sidney Thompson

Demetrius Bennet – RELEASED 10/24/18
Killer of P.O. Ray Cannon

Judith Clark – RELEASED 5/15/19
Killer of Sgt. Edward O’Grady, P.O. Waverly Brown & Peter Paige

Larry Johnson – RELEASED 5/15/19
Killer of P.O. Anthony Abruzzo

Betsy Ramos – RELEASED 12/10/19
Killer of P.O. Anthony Mosomillo

Ernest Alston – RELEASED 12/26/19
Killer of P.O. Melvin Hopkins

Orlando Puente – RELEASED 1/6/20
Killer of Lt. Jan Brinkers

Steven Chirse – RELEASED 4/21/20
Killer of P.O. Angelo Brown

Karl Dean – RELEASED 5/21/20
Killer of Det. Joseph Taylor

The releases  of cop killers comes  as New York City crime skyrockets. Over the last month, shootings have increased by more than 210 percent compared to the same time last year.


Firenze Sage:    Next it will be hug a molester.
